The Wonders of Aerial Yoga
Feb 15, 2022
Aerial Yoga has been taking off in the R1SE studio, with many people joining and loving our classes. Find out all the incredible stuff we've been up to, as well as how great aerial yoga can be!
Aerial Beginners Triumph
We’re halfway through our second round of beginners aerial classes, after loads of you took up our amazing Black Friday offer! Over 25 of you took flight for our January beginners course and passed with flying colours.
So what’s it all about?
Our aerial beginners course is there for you, to make sure you feel confident and safe moving forward in your aerial journey. We look at; the equipment you use, where to stand, different handle positions and of course… going upside down! Once you’ve completed your four beginners classes you can then move forward onto our intermediate classes - where we show you some fun tricks, inversions and more advanced poses.
Why are people LOVING aerial?
Once you get into the swing of things you can really see the benefits of this fun style of yoga. Aerial inversions feel wonderful on your spine, as they can relieve spinal compression - basically a BIG stretch on your back, without putting any pressure on your head, arms or upper body.
It’s a great workout. Many people say they feel like they’ve worked muscles they didn’t know they had during an aerial class. We work through core strength exercises, as well using the handles like a TRX for upper body workouts.
It’s FUN! We use the hammock and handles as a prop to support you during your class, but it means we can do funky variations of traditional yoga poses, such as; warriors, lunges and butterfly. Release those endorphins with an aerial yoga class; you’ll definitely leave with a smile on your face.
The relaxing side of aerial yoga… When we did our aerial teacher training it showed us how to use the hammock for more of a yin practice. We looked at lowering the hammock and using it for a slow and gentle practice which prioritises relaxation with deep, static and gentle stretching movements. We tend to end our practice in a cocoon; laid in the hammock feels really comforting and safe.
Want to give it a try?
We’re running beginners courses every month. If you’re not sure you’re ready to commit to a four week beginners course just yet, that’s okay! On Sunday 27th February we’re running an Introduction to Aerial workshop! From 10:30-12:00 Beckie will be guiding you through some of the lush restorative poses, followed by the aerial basics (maybe even going upside down!), finishing with more restorative and guided meditation in your cocoon. We’ve currently got an Early Bird price of £25, which ends on Sunday 20th February, after this it will be £30! There are a limited number of spaces, and they are filling up fast - so don’t miss out. CLICK HERE to book your place today!
We’re shaking up the aerial schedule in March, so if you want to get your aerial fix, here are the new times:
-Intermediate Aerial at 17:00
-Restorative Aerial at 19:00
-Beginners Aerial at 18:00
-Intermediate Aerial at 09:30
If you''re new to R1SE click below to check out our two intro offers.Β Come to R1SE either 4 times or an unlimited times in 2 weeks and see if we could help you be your best self.
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